Programme Name: Inclusive ICT Initiative for Persons with Disabilities
Department: Human Rights
Programme Duration: July 2022 to December 2024
Programme Lead: NUDIPU ( )
Key Implementing Partners: Eight Tech Consults ( and Uganda
Communication Commission (
Programme background and key objectives
The National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU) is a national umbrella NonGovernmental Organization (NGO) formally established on 14th November 1987 to advocate and empower persons with disabilities. The organization brings together all other organizations serving all categories of persons with disabilities including; physical, sensory, intellectual and mental impairments at district and national levels. In the current strategic plan 2020-2024, NUDIPU recognizes that access and usage of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) is critical for persons with disability to achieve their full potential in life. Furthermore, NUDIPU recognizes that integration appropriate ICTs in Institutions that support persons with disability is key for enhancing organizational performance, effectiveness and efficiency. NUDIPU is fully aware of the role of ICTs in achieving the UN suitable development goals (SDGs) and government of Uganda national development agenda of transforming the country into a knowledge based middle income digital economy. Thus, in a strategic partnership with Eight Tech Consults, one of the leading ICT and Management firms in the region developed an Inclusive ICT Initiative with a broader objective of; enhancing development of technology innovations, access and usage of ICTs by persons with disabilities and associated ecosystem actors. It is against this background that NUDIPU in partnership with Eight Tech Consults secured seed grant through a competitive process from Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) to implement the pilot phase of the inclusive ICT for persons with disabilities initiative under the UCC/UCSAF grant entitled: Enhancing Knowledge Management, ICT Adaptation, Digital Skills and Access to E-Services by Persons with Disabilities 2021-2024
Programme key objectives and result areas are;
1. Development of a national observatory on persons with disabilities and associated ecosystem actors. Outcome: operational national observatory for persons with disabilities and improved management membership registers, enhance access to jobs and services for persons with disability]
2. Capacity building in digital literacy skills of persons with disabilities. [ Outcomes: digital literacy curriculum, digitally skilled persons with disability, increased access and usage of ICT by persons with disabilities]
3. Promoting research and knowledge management among Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs). Outcome: capacity of OPDs built in knowledge management, evidence-based policy and programme designs, availability of data to stakeholders].
4. Promotion of local ICT innovations development and visibility of OPDs. Outcomes: increased development of ICT for persons with disabilities, increase research outputs on assistance technologies among others, increased online presence and engagement by OPDs, an ICT4PWD innovative development framework]
5. ICT awareness and stakeholder mobilization: Outcomes: increased access and usage of ICTs by persons with disabilities and associate actors]
Programme government and Management
The programme is governed by the project board which is constituted of the three partner representatives, the project manager and strategic partners/stakeholders as identified from time to time. The project board is chaired by UCC and is mandated to approve all work plans and reports/outputs of the programme. At technical level of implementation, the partners have a programme implementation team (PIT) which meets on a monthly basis, the PIT is chaired by the overall project lead and its secretariat is the Programme Manager (PM). Each partner has internal coordination structured organized around work package which are coordinated by the project coordinator of the partner. To ensure clear lines of responsibility and accountability, each organization has been allocated work packages to lead.
Programme implementation Approach and Methodology
The programme implement approach is founded in the principles of human centered design implemented through knowledge co-creation and agile methodologies. The programme activities are organized along the following key work packages each with associated results areas and responsible person.
• Research and Knowledge Management
• Design and development of the National Digital Observatory
• Persons with Disabilities digital skilling program, Curriculum and Content Development
• Stake holder mobilization, awareness and program promotion
• Resource Mobilization and stakeholder engagement
• Project Management, monitoring and evaluation
Some of the key outputs and outcomes so far;
The programme has registered a number of key achievement and outcomes, key to mentions include;
1. Conducted a national wide study on the state of ICT usage and access among persons with disability outcomes: Technical Reports, Policy Briefs and other knowledge products]
2. Build capacity of over 320 persons with disabilities in over 80 districts in; research, digital data collection and knowledge management.
3. Development over 37 websites for organizations for persons with disabilities including district unions
4. Developed and deployed a national observatory and now operational among 53 organizations for persons with disabilities
5. A total of over 16445 persons with disabilities have been profiled in the observatory and over 234 services providers for persons with disabilities have been profiled.
6. Over 13,345 PWD have been trained in digital literacy skills.
7. Over 20,450 persons with disabilities are made aware of the existing ICTs and how they can be used in their day-to-day life through the awareness campaigns on various platforms
8. Two ICT Innovations for persons with disabilities hack horns has been organized. Over 87 innovators have participated and 13 innovations identified. One of the Innovations has been recognized at the global innovations conference in Europe
9. Over 182 training events have been conducted
10.XXX social media platforms established
11.Eleven resource mobilization workshops conducted with over 160 participants trained
12.A total of 83 interns have been trained on the project especial from ICT faculties mainly from Nkumba university, Makerere university, Ndejje university among others.
Project Sponsors