Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR)
Project Name: Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR)
Donor: NAD
Department: Human Rights
Project Goal
To build resilience of Persons with Disabilities to disaster risks
Project Outcomes
- Outcome 1: DPO networks lead disability inclusion efforts in DRR and humanitarian response activities
- Outcome 2: Duty bearers and mainstream actors recognise disproportionate risk and the unique contribution of persons with disabilities in their DRR and humanitarian efforts.
Brief Project background including achievements
- Disaster risks are on the increase in the world and Uganda in particular (fires in schools, collapse of buildings, fires burning down markets, landslides, floods, drought etc)
- NUDIPU is implementing the Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Project in response to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction of 2015 and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD 2006) to which Uganda is signatory.
- To make disaster risk reduction and resilience disability-inclusive, DiDRR needs to put people with disabilities “at the forefront” of policy and practice.
- PWDs are 4 times as likely to die or lose property when a strikes. Efforts designed to reduce the risk of hazards turning into disasters receive more and more attention on the international humanitarian and development agendas. Such efforts include response, recovery, prevention and preparedness – collectively referred to as Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).
- NUDIPU is hereby implementing this tripartite program on Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR) with Federation of Disability Organizations of Malawi (FEDOMA) and the Norwegian Association of the Disabled (NAD).
- By 2024, Needs and concerns of persons with disabilities are effectively included in the socio-economic empowerment programmes in Uganda
Areas of Implementation
National and District Level – Kasese, Bududa and Isingiro
Implementation partners:
- Government of Uganda, specifically OPM & District Local Governments
- MDAs
- UN agencies
Project activities
- Commission Baseline study to establish if operational mechanisms for rapid and effective disaster response, mitigation and recovery exist at Regional level
- Use identified gaps to develop advocacy strategy to influence inclusion of persons with disabilities and their organisations in regional platforms for experience sharing and learning among regional stakeholders.
- Review the Integrated DRR plans for target districts to ensure inclusion of issues of PWDs.
- Participate in National and International Events (Disability day, Women’s day, Youth day, Environment Day, Human Rights day)
- Conduct a stakeholder analysis to identify more stakeholders to engage
- Support and participate in District Disaster Management meetings
- Participate in National and International Events (Disability day, Women’s day, Youth day, Environment Day, Human Rights day)
- Conduct a stakeholder analysis to identify more stakeholders to engage
- Support and participate in District Disaster Management meetings
- Sensitise service providers on the disproportionate risk faced by boys, girls, men and women with disabilities during situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies
- Mobilise targeted communities for meetings to continuously dialogue on key accountabilities issues and DRR and humanitarian interventions.
- Train relevant MDAs in Disability inclusion including disaggregation of data on disability
- Train and advise District Risk Management Committees in targeted districts, on inclusion of disability in DRR interventions including disaggregation of disability data
- Train and engage CSOs in DiDRR to facilitate disability inclusion in their DRR interventions and cooperation with clear MOUs at district level.
- Train Protection Staff of Implementing Partners on inclusion of Refugees with disabilities
- Conduct case studies on boys,girls,women and men with disabilities affected by disasters who have been supported by stakeholders for learning purposes to inform our advocacy.
- DPOs develop best practices for inclusion of boys, girls, women and men with disabilities in DiDRR and Humanitarian interventions
- Printing of information and publicity materials
- Select best practices on inclusion on boys, girls, women and mend with disabilities in DRR and humanitarian interventions.
- Publish best practices on inclusion of boys , girls, women and me with disabilities in DRR and humanitarian interventions.
- Disseminate best practices on disability inclusion
- Participate in International Day for DRR Commeration campaigns and events
- Equip representatives of PWDs and their organisations with skills to articulate issues of PWDs (Refresher training) target to be Directors of DPOs.
- Hold bi-annual directors meetings to enhance cordination among DPOs
- Induct new members of the DiDRR core group
- Hold joint planning meetings to agree on annual workplans with DiDRR core group and NDPO directors
- Review of policies and actions plans of Duty actors to identify gaps for disability
- Participate in National DRM Meetings hosted by Office of the Prime Minister and working groups convened by International humanitarian organisations.
- DPOs use identified gaps to influence disability inclusion among duty bearers and main stream actors at national level
Time frame: 2020- 2024
Project Sponsors