More sign language teachers are needed to help learners with hearing impairment

Due to the continuous advocacy by the National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda, parents in Kibaale have taken on the responsibility to embrace educating children with disabilities. Thanks to the school heads in some of the districts who have wholeheartedly provided a conducive environment for learners with disabilities to study with ease with others despite the challenges they face in implementing inclusive education. 

On his monitoring visit to follow up on the progress of some of the activities being implemented by the organization in the district among which is promoting human rights advocacy, inclusive education, and socio-economic empowerment of persons with disabilities, the Director of Programs Mr John Chris Ninsiima, had an opportunity to visit St Theresa Bujuni Primary School.

This is one of the schools that has embraced inclusive learning.  It has a population of about 300 Pupils with disabilities who have been enrolled in this school. About 30 of these are deaf.

 The head of the special needs unit Sister Jane Niyoyita and the only teacher sign language interpreter at the school acknowledges there is a gap in supporting learners with hearing impairment. Her alone she cannot be present in all classes for all subjects to support these learners.

“But as the school we manage what we can do so that these children are also integrated in the school system despite the challenges of having no teachers who can do sign language,” says Sr Niyoyita.

Mr Ninsiima in addition also visited Kahyoro Primary School Government aided school. Thanks to the school head for employing two teachers with disabilities.

Mr Muhumuza Richard and Ms Asiima Annet are both teachers with a physical disability at this school. Due to lack of teachers, these are sometimes constrained and find they have to teach more classes. These two however are grateful to be employed and thank the school head for believing in them to teach learners.

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