Gender and Disability Intervention Project under NUDIPU rejuvenates hope among women with disabilities who are GBV survivors in Moroto District

NUDIPU believes in partnerships. Through working with FIDA-Uganda (Forum for Women Lawyers in Uganda) under the GADIP project with support from the Australian Development Cooperation, the organization has been able to jointly solve some of the GBV cases, especially for vulnerable populations like Women with Disabilities in the Karamoja subregion.

Ms. Teddy Lomuria sitting in her wheelchair beside her own house which was built for her by the community people when her husband abandoned her.

Women with disabilities are the most victims of GBV, especially in Moroto. Since they are few, this worsens the situation for them to seek justice. First, as women, they are a weaker sex.

Most cases of women with disabilities are referral cases by concerned members of society who feel women with disabilities should not suffer at the advantage of their perpetrator.

According to counsel Mable Buyi FIDA- Uganda they have been able to mediate cases of GBV of persons with disabilities. Due to constraints in resources, it’s a few persons with disabilities have been supported. When we get overwhelmed, we refer some of these cases to courts of law where mediation fails and to the police. Counsel FIDA

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